¡¡Por fin es viernes y es hora de celebrarlo con una buena copa!! Hace una semana que dejé por una tarde la moda y me sumergí en el mundo de los bartenders y exploré la creatividad que requiere crear el cóctel perfecto con Belvedere (el vodka de lujo de LVMH).
Pero como una no nace sabiendo, disfruté a tope de una master class de la mano de Tristan Stephenson (bartender del año 2011 y 2012) y Ali Dedianko (embajadora de la marca) en donde nos enseñaron la importancia del balance ácido-dulce en un cóctel y qué ingredientes emplear para que sea más ácido o dulce y así sorprender a mis amigos con los nuevos cócteles naturales spritz de Belvedere.
¡¡Teníamos una mesa llena de limones, limas, pomelos, tónicas, aguas con gas... y Belvedere!! Así que rápidamente nos pusimos a experimentar y creamos 2 cócteles ¡¡¡uno con limón y menta que estaba riquísimo!!! y otro con pomelo en el que se nos fue un poco la mano y tuvo que venir Tristan a arreglar nuestro estropicio jajaja (hay que tener cuidado porque si nos pasamos puede quedar demasiado ácido, de ahí la importancia del balance de sabores).
Ali Dedianko preparó el cóctel dulce con 40cl de Belvedere, 20cl de Vermut seco Martini, combinó la tónica con agua con gas, una rodajita de limón, una hoja de menta (que debemos sacudir en la mano antes de ponerla en la copa para que suelte todo el aroma) y mucho hielo.
Nosotros hicimos una creación propia que, la verdad, estaba buenísima (a diferencia del de pomelo) así que también os dejo la receta por si os animáis a preparar hoy o el finde un after work con amigos, pusimos 40 cl de Belvedere, exprimimos un limón para hacer zumo, le añadimos la tónica y después piel de limón y hojas de menta.
It´s time to celebrate Friday with a super cocktail!!! A week ago I left for a while fashion world and plunged into the Bartenders world and explored the creativity required to create the perfect cocktail with Belvedere (the luxury vodka from LVMH).
We enjoyed a masterclass with Tristan Stephenson (bartender of the year 2011 and 2012) and Ali Dedianko (Belvedere brand Ambassador) where we were taught the importance of acid-sweet balance into a cocktail to surprise my friends with natural spritzs of Belvedere cocktails.
We had a table full of lemons, limes, grapefruits, tonic and sprakling water... and Belvedere!!! So quickly we started to experiment and created 2 cocktails, the first one with lemon and mint which was scrumptious!! and the other one with grapefruit (in excess) and Tristan had to come to help us because it was a disaster LOL (be careful with grapefruit because is so acid, hence the importance of the flavors balance)
Ali Dedianko prepared us a sweet cocktail with 40cl of Belvedere, 20cl Martini Dry Vermouth, combined tonic with sparkling water, a slice of lemon, a mint leaf (shake in the hand before putting in the glass to release the aroma) and lots of ice.
We created one which was very good, I leave you the recipe if you want to prepare an after work today or during the weekend with friends, got 40 cl of Belvedere, squeezed a lemon to make juuice, added the tonic and after a lemon peel and mint leaves.
It´s time to celebrate Friday with a super cocktail!!! A week ago I left for a while fashion world and plunged into the Bartenders world and explored the creativity required to create the perfect cocktail with Belvedere (the luxury vodka from LVMH).
We enjoyed a masterclass with Tristan Stephenson (bartender of the year 2011 and 2012) and Ali Dedianko (Belvedere brand Ambassador) where we were taught the importance of acid-sweet balance into a cocktail to surprise my friends with natural spritzs of Belvedere cocktails.
We had a table full of lemons, limes, grapefruits, tonic and sprakling water... and Belvedere!!! So quickly we started to experiment and created 2 cocktails, the first one with lemon and mint which was scrumptious!! and the other one with grapefruit (in excess) and Tristan had to come to help us because it was a disaster LOL (be careful with grapefruit because is so acid, hence the importance of the flavors balance)
We created one which was very good, I leave you the recipe if you want to prepare an after work today or during the weekend with friends, got 40 cl of Belvedere, squeezed a lemon to make juuice, added the tonic and after a lemon peel and mint leaves.
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