¡¡Buenos días preppies!!
En el post de hoy os traigo un gran descubrimiento y es que la semana pasada pude disfrutar del showroom de Mariquilla Craze en Alcobendas entre cupcakes y red velvets; seguramente no conozcáis esta marca porque lleva muy poquitos meses en el mercado así que aquí estoy ejerciendo de hada madrina para enseñaros mis últimos hallazgos.
Good morning preppies!
On today´s post I have to share with you a great discovery!!! Last week I went to Mariquilla Craze showroom at Alcobendas, Madrid. Between cupcakes and red velvets cakes we had an amazing afternoon knowing a little bit about this brand which is so young! So I´m exercising as fairy godmother to show you my last discovery.

Good morning preppies!
On today´s post I have to share with you a great discovery!!! Last week I went to Mariquilla Craze showroom at Alcobendas, Madrid. Between cupcakes and red velvets cakes we had an amazing afternoon knowing a little bit about this brand which is so young! So I´m exercising as fairy godmother to show you my last discovery.

Es una marca en la que podéis encontrar una amplia gama de complementos ¿A destacar? ¡¡Ahora que llega el veranito no podéis ir a la playa sin uno de sus capazos (en distintos tamaños) que podéis personalizar como el mío (que lleva el nombre de mi blog) y conjuntarlo con sus sombreros de paja esenciales para una tarde de toalla, sombrilla y un buen libro!
It´s a brand which you can find a wide range of accessories! To highlight? Summer´s coming and can not go to the beach without one of their baskets (in different sizes) that can be customized as mine (which has the name of my blog) and mix it with their straw hats essential for an afternoon at the beach with a good book!

It´s a brand which you can find a wide range of accessories! To highlight? Summer´s coming and can not go to the beach without one of their baskets (in different sizes) that can be customized as mine (which has the name of my blog) and mix it with their straw hats essential for an afternoon at the beach with a good book!

Dentro de su colección de joyería y bisutería hecha a mano y diseñadas por ellas mismas, tengo que confesar que tuve un flechazo con sus cruces de nácar en distintos colores perfectas tanto para las peques como para nosotras, las hay en dos versiones: en cintas elásticas o en aros de plata bañados en oro.
The jewelry are hand-made and designed by themselves, I have to confess I had a crush with their nacre crosses in various colors perfect for kids and us, there are two versions: elastic bands or silver rings gold plated.

The jewelry are hand-made and designed by themselves, I have to confess I had a crush with their nacre crosses in various colors perfect for kids and us, there are two versions: elastic bands or silver rings gold plated.

Pero si buscáis un detalle más especial para vuestras madres, hermanas, tías, abuelas, amigas... tienen una sección en la que la personalización es la clave donde puedes grabar la frase que quieras y hacer muy feliz a quien quieras en su día especial.
Sus turbantes y bandas son perfectas para darles un toque boho-chic a esas noches de verano que pasamos en restaurantes, terracitas o simplemente dando una vuelta.
But if you seek a special detail to your mothers, sisters, aunts, grandmothers, friends... have a section where personalization is the key because can record the phrase that you want on the jewel to make happy whoever you want in a special day.
Their turbans and headbands are perfect to give a boho-chic touch to those summer evenings spent in restaurants, terrace or simply walking around.

But if you seek a special detail to your mothers, sisters, aunts, grandmothers, friends... have a section where personalization is the key because can record the phrase that you want on the jewel to make happy whoever you want in a special day.
Their turbans and headbands are perfect to give a boho-chic touch to those summer evenings spent in restaurants, terrace or simply walking around.

Si os han gustado sus propuestas os animo a que os paséis por su web que tan sólo lleva un mesecito en funcionamiento y para apoyar su lanzamiento han sacado un código con un 15% de descuento poniendo MARIQUILLA-MARKETS al realizar la compra en su pagina web http://mariquillacraze.es/
If you like their proposals I encourage you to visit their website, to support their launch have released a coupon code with a 15% off writting MARIQUILLA-MARKETS when purchase on the website
If you like their proposals I encourage you to visit their website, to support their launch have released a coupon code with a 15% off writting MARIQUILLA-MARKETS when purchase on the website
Qué envidia me dais, yo también iba a asistir al Showroom pero por desgracia tenía que trabajar y no pude ir, pero cada vez que veo las fotos en su Instagram y ahora en tu blog me da mucha mucha envidia.
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Pretty Little Lawyer
Wonderful straw bags... perfect for the beach!
Me encanta el post, muy entretenido.
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